Regular Meeting

Venue: 3F, No.21-6, Minju Rd., ShinYing Dist., Tainan City 730, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

地點: 台南市新營區民族路21-61號 (大宏王公社區活動中心3樓教室)<聚會地點>> map

Date/Time: 7:00 pm~ 9:00 pm on every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month.

時間: 每個月第1及第3個週二, 晚上七至九點

2014年10月23日 星期四

SYTC 177th meeting minutes, Oct. 21, 2014

We had a night full of sharing and learning. In the Manual speech session, Jack shared his musical life, how he got in love with music and his journey of music;  Chin-Chi presented a special training program, recorded it and replayed the video for evaluation. Our honorable guest, K3 Area Governor Ross conducted a workshop and led us to experience the "Moment of Truth". All the attendees, including the guests, reviewed what SYTC had done, strengths and weaknesses, and provided good feedback.  

In the Table Topics Session, the master Ken well explained the theme and threw a relating question. In Evaluation session, the Division Governor Karla supported the role of General Evaluation. She gave the speakers, session masters and evaluators encouragement along with positive and constructive suggestions.

After the meeting, several members and guests stayed for more discussion about how to make the club better. It was really touching and inspiring. Dear members and honorable guests, appreciate your participation and dedication which make the meeting and club better and better! We look forward to seeing you again in the next meeting!

Welcome guests of the night:
Karla Chen, Division K Governor
Ross Tsai, Area K3 Governor
Irene Chen
Kiki Xue
Sherry Chen
Ann Yan

Awards of the 177th meeting: 
1. Best Manual speech speaker: Jack Chang (A13: Let's enjoy a musical life )
2. Best Evaluator: Susan Su
3. Best Table Topics Speaker: Karla Chen

Officer report:
+ Officer Meeting of the month will be held next Tue. Oct.28 at 7pm at Donut's. We'll have a very special officer meeting along with a promotion activity. More details will be announced.
++ The next meeting will be on Nov.4, 2014 Tuesday. 6:50 pm is available to enter the venue. Address: 新營區民族路21-61號,大宏王公社區活動中心3樓教室.  
+++ Division K Speech Contest will be held on 10/25(Sat.) from 14:00-16:30 in 國立嘉義大學生物資源館104室.
++++ Please also visit SYTC on FB: Shin Ying Toastmasters Club-- ​ 

Best Regards,
賴金淇 Chin-Chi

1. Best Manual speech speaker: Jack Chang (A13: Let's enjoy a musical life )

2. Best Evaluator: Susan Su

3. Best Table Topics Speaker: Karla Chen

4. Supporting guests
