SYTC 171st meeting minutes, July 15, 2014
The night began with the new president's inauguration speech. Susan told us her expectations and brought up a marketing plan, "a person a week to promote SYTC". In the variety of session, Susan led us to play the game "Woobungo" & story relay. It was fun and nice warm-up of the meeting. In the manual speech session, the speaker Kenneth presented a speech excerpted from TED. We learned from the speech that the conditions inside an organization is an influential variable. If a leader can choose to put the safety and lives of his/her employees first, the employees will sacrifice for him/her as well. That's indeed a win-win leadership we all look for.
Dear members and honorable guests, appreciate your attendance and participation! We look forward to seeing you again in the next meeting!
Toastmaster: Chin-Chi Lai
Welcome guests of the night:
Ross Tsai, K3 Area Governor
Karla Chen, Division K Governor
Awards of the 171st meeting:
1. Best Manual speech speaker: Kenneth Chuang (A3: Why good leaders make you feel safe)
2. Best Evaluator: Michael Wei
3. Best Table Topics Speaker: Gina Wu
Officer report:
+ Next meeting will be held on Aug. 5, 2014 Tuesday. 6:50 pm is available to enter the venue. Address: 新營區民族路21-61號,大宏王公社區活動中心3樓教室.
++ The officer training will be held on Aug.2 (Sat.) in Kaohsiung.
+++ Please also visit SYTC on FB: Shin Ying Toastmasters Club--
By Chin-Chi Lai July 17, 2014
Photos of the 171st meeting:
1. Best Manual speech speaker: Kenneth Chuang (A3: Why good leaders make you feel safe)
2. Best Evaluator: Michael Wei
3. Best Table Topics Speaker: Gina Wu
5. A Variety of Session - Woobungo
6. A Variety of Session - Story relay
7. Guest- K3 Area Governor, Ross Tsai