SYTC 164th meeting minutes, April 1, 2014
It was April Fool's Day, but members and guests in the venue were serious to practice, to learn and to enjoy the meeting. Besides the very supportive guests from Chiayi, our long-time-no-see senior member Angus also came back to join the meeting and evidence his daughter Sophie's very precious 1st speech. Echoing to the theme "The unexamined life is not worth living", we discussed life in various aspects. Through the 2-hour meeting, every attendee seized the chance to practice and enhanced their communication and leadership competence.
Thanks for the attending members who successfully completed the duties and shared your thoughts and opinions. Endless thanks for the supporters from Chiayi clubs! I have to say it again and again, because of your passionate participation and support, SYTC could have a successful meeting! It actually should be April HAPPY Day!
Toastmaster: Chin-Chi Lai
Welcome guests of the night:
Vincent Chang, CYTC
Dora Yang, NCYC
Jeff Kung, NCYC
Ostin Son, NCYC
Tiffany Chao, NCYC
Jack Li
Awards of the 164th meeting:
1. Best Manual speech speaker: Susan Su (A8: The Chinese Year of Zodiac)
2. Best Evaluator: Vincent Chang
3. Best Table Topics Speaker: Angus Sun
Officer report:
+ Next meeting will be held on Apr. 15, 2014 Tuesday. 6:45 pm is available to enter the venue. Address: 新營區民族路21-61號,大宏王公社區活動中心3樓教室.
+ District Conference will be held in Taipei on 4/12-13. The early bird registration is due on 4/4. Please visit the website for more info.
+ Please also visit SYTC on FB: Shin Ying Toastmasters Club--
By Secretary Chin-Chi Lai Apr. 3, 2014
1. Best Manual speech speaker: Susan Su (A8: The Chinese Year of Zodiac)
2. Best Evaluator: Vincent Chang
3. Best Table Topics Speaker: Angus Sun
Meeting photos:
The 3 manual speech speakers (Ostin Song, Susan Su, Sophie Sun)
Birthday Star - Jeff Kung
the meeting--