Regular Meeting

Venue: 3F, No.21-6, Minju Rd., ShinYing Dist., Tainan City 730, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

地點: 台南市新營區民族路21-61號 (大宏王公社區活動中心3樓教室)<聚會地點>> map

Date/Time: 7:00 pm~ 9:00 pm on every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month.

時間: 每個月第1及第3個週二, 晚上七至九點

2014年2月19日 星期三

SYTC 161st meeting minutes, Feb. 18, 2014

SYTC 161st meeting minutes, Feb. 18, 2014

It was the first meeting of the Year of the House at this Tuesday night!
The Toastmaster of the night Susan became a capital and led the audience to go through a beautiful TM journey. The audience was served delicious meals (speeches) and got full "spiritually". We all survived well after the turbulence (Table Topics session) and got braver. The journey helped the audience strengthen their communication and leadership skills.

Thanks for the 4 supporters from Chiayi clubs! Welcome the guests to join the meeting! We got a new member at the night!!! Welcome to join us, Zi-Yun Wei!

All in all, the passionate participation and support of all attending members and guests made the meeting successful and brought a good beginning to SYTC in the Year of the Horse! 

Toastmaster: Susan Su

Welcome guests of the night: 
Karla Chen, CYTC/K3 Area Governor
Vincent Chang, CYTC 
Dora Yang, NCYC                                                   
Jeff Kung, NCYC
Sophie Sun
Stan Sun
Zi-Yun Wei

Awards of the 161st meeting: 
1. Best Manual speech speaker: Chin-Chi Lai (A26: Dealing with the Adversary relationship)
2. Best Evaluator: Vincent Chang
3. Best Table Topics Speaker: Susan Su

Officer report:
+ Officer Meeting of the month will be held on next Tue.(2/25) evening at 7:00 pm in Donuts'. We will start the 1-hour officer meeting, followed with a reading discussion. All members and guests are welcome. 
+ SYTC's in-club speech contests(Prepared speech contest &  Table Topics contest) will be held on 3/18/2014 (Tue.). You're welcome to join the contests and be the contestants.
+ Next meeting will be held on Mar. 4, 2014 Tuesday. 6:45 pm is available to enter the venue. Address: 新營區民族路21-61號,大宏王公社區活動中心3樓教室.  
+ Division K Contest will be held on 3/22 (Sat.) in Chiayi City.
+ District Conference will be held in Taipei on 4/12-13.
+ Please also visit SYTC on FB: Shin Ying Toastmasters Club-- 

By Secretary  Chin-Chi Lai   Feb. 19, 2014

1. Best Manual speech speaker: Chin-Chi Lai (A26: Dealing with the Adversary relationship)

2. Best Evaluator: Vincent Chang

3. Best Table Topics Speaker: Susan Su

Best Regards,
賴金淇 Chin-Chi
