Meeting 207 Meeting Minutes, Feb. 06, 2015
It is indeed a great blessing to be able to meet together in the beginning of the new year, particularly after the heartbreaking earthquake occurring on 2/06. We're so grateful that members are fine and can attend the meeting. Besides, we have VIP guests joining us. The greatest surprise is David Tsui, the chartering president of SYTC, also known as the father of SYTC, visited the meeting and gave his best support by not only being an evaluator but also renewing his membership. Coming with David was his elegant daughter, a potential TM member. Rose's daughter from Seattle and her boyfriend Tatsu from Japan also visited our meeting. Because of these VIPs, we had an interesting international meeting.
In the warm-up Variety Session, Patrick brought us a very creative activity showing the art of language. We have to use the assigned 8 words to make as many sentences as we can. It was quite fun and showed how creative our mind can be. In the manual speech session, Will shared his experience of travelling around Taiwan; Irene told us how terrified she felt in the 921 earthquake. In the Table Topics question, questions were related to the speeches and the theme and attendees were willing to come to the stage to share their thoughts. In the Evaluation session, the evaluators gave very practical and beneficial comments. All in all, the meeting was successful and full of learning.
As the chartering president David encouraged us, "what makes us different depends on what we do after 7 o'clock". Indeed, we don't stop learning after 7 o'clock when we finish the work or dinner. We continue to allow ourselves to grow. Thus, last but not least, please join us in the next meeting!
Word of the day:
Soil liquefaction
Awards of the 188th meeting:
1. Best Manual speech speaker: Irene Chen (C6: The terrible earthquake)
2. Best Evaluator: Gina Wu
3. Best Table Topics Speaker: Gina Wu
Welcoming guests of the night:
David Tsui
Rebecca Tsui
Officer report:
+ Next meeting will be held on 3/1(Tue.)
++ Leadership Enhancement Workshop <優質領導>工作坊
時間:3/5/2016 8:30am-5:30pm 參加對象:南部會員、分會會長及幹部、區總監及部總監 地點:高雄市建國一路354號 -文藻樓大禮堂 語言: 中文
+++ 2016 D67 Spring Conference will be held at Grand Hotel Taipei on 4/30-5/1
Please visit
++++ For photos of the meeting, please also visit SYTC on FB: Shin Ying Toastmasters Club--