We had a great meeting on Tue. night. Under the host of the well-prepared and responsible Toastmaster Ken and the session masters and helping working members, the meeting went very smoothly and had great quality. Responding to the theme of the night, "Eat, drink and be merry", and the word of the day "Carpe diem", attending members and guests did seized every chance to practice and have fun!
In Variety Session, we played "Crazy ABC", trying to guess the answer in Chinese by giving descriptions in English. In Manual speech, we knew more about the brave lady Kiki through her C1 icebreaking speech, and got interested in Bangkok, Thailand through Irene's C2 speech. In Evaluator session, GE Naomi gave positive acknowledgement and comments, and encouraged us with "To star you don't have to be good; to be good, you have to start". Every meeting of SYTC is definitely a good start to a better speaker and leader, including this one.
Dear members and guests, deep appreciation to your dedication and support to the meeting, so we can have a good start on the learning journey. We look forward to seeing you again in the next meeting!
Word of the day:
Carpe diem - seize the day; seize the moment
Awards of the 187th meeting:
1. Best Manual speech speaker: Kiki Xue (C1: Icebreaker)
2. Best Evaluator: Susan Su
3. Best Table Topics Speaker: Jasmine Shen
Welcoming guests of the night:
Aaron Huang
Ella Huang
Jasmine Shen
Mick Chang
Officer report:
+ The next meeting will be on April 21, 2015 Tuesday. 6:50 pm is available to enter the venue. Address: 新營區民族路21-61號,大宏王公社區活動中心3樓教室.
++ 2015 Spring Conference will be held at 中油大樓 in Taipei on 4/25-26. Website 報名官網: www.tmc2015.tw / Facebook 臉書專頁: http://goo.gl/1T4Ulg
+++ Please also visit SYTC on FB: Shin Ying Toastmasters Club-- https://www.facebook.com/groups/6814599485/
Best Regards,
賴金淇 Chin-Chi
1. Best Manual speech speaker: Kiki Xue (C1: Icebreaker)
2. Best Evaluator: Susan Su
3. Best Table Topics Speaker: Jasmine Shen