SYTC 169th meeting minutes, Jun. 17, 2014
The meeting was the last one in the term 2013-2014. We had a short regular meeting followed with the inauguration and installation ceremony.
In the meeting, we enjoyed a great speech presented by Kenneth and learned the "sandwich" technique for effective feedback.
We also shared our thoughts in the Table Topics session and had an evaluation for the manual speech.
In the inauguration ceremony, the outgoing officers were discharged from all further duties; In the installation ceremony, the new officers were called to hold the gavel of club authority while answering "YES" to accept the duties and perform them to the best of their ability.
The certificates and special pins given by K3 Area Governor Karla were awarded to each one.
Since last July, we've held each meeting regularly and done our best to make it joyful and meaningful. Great thanks to supporters from every corner; particularly, Vincent Chang & Karla Chen from CYTC, Dora Yang, Jeff Kung and Ostin Sung from NCYTC.
From July 1st, the new president will be Susan Su. She will give her formal installation speech in July's meeting. Please give our congratulations, encouragement and and wishes to the new president and officer team of 2014-2015.
Toastmaster: Karl Gong
Welcome guests of the night:
Karla Chen, CYTC, K3 Area Governor
Vincent Chang, CYTC
Awards of the 169th meeting:
1. Best Manual speech speaker: Kenneth Chuang (A2: How to give a feedback sandwich: a post-demo meeting discussion)
2. Best Evaluator: Chin-Chi Lai
3. Best Table Topics Speaker: Karla Chen
4. Best Supporter of SYTC: Karla Chen & Vincent Chang
Officer report:
+ The new president (2014-2015) is Susan Su. To listen to her formal installation speech, please join the meeting in July.
++ Next meeting will be held on July 1, 2014 Tuesday. 6:45 pm is available to enter the venue. Address: 新營區民族路21-61號,大宏王公社區活動中心3樓教室.
+ Please also visit SYTC on FB: Shin Ying Toastmasters Club--
By Secretary Chin-Chi Lai Jun. 20, 2014
1. Best Manual speech speaker: Kenneth Chuang (A2: How to give a feedback sandwich: a post-demo meeting discussion)
3. Best Table Topics Speaker: Karla Chen
4. Best Supporter of SYTC: Karla Chen & Vincent Chang