SYTC 167th meeting minutes, May 20, 2014
By Secretary Chin-Chi Lai May. 22, 2014
2014/5/20 was a love day. And it was so great that SYTC members and honorable guests could get together and enjoy a journey of learning. It's like we were on the same boat, a love boat, a love boat of learning.
From Dora's speech, We learnt from quite some tourism information about travellin's g in Taiwan. From Kenneth's A1 speech, we learnt "the law of diffusion of innovations" and how to apply it to leadership and many other fields in our life and career. From the very honorable guest Rosa's award-winning speech, we observed what was a wonderful speech performance, and learnt how Toastmaster can help us keep doctors away!
The table topics session was still a brainstorming session in which we can train our wit and thinking on feet. During Evaluation session, we learnt from the evalutors' comments to bettering our communication skills. We also learnt some good words extracted by the grammarian from the speeches in the meeting.
All in all, it was a joyful, wonderful and successful night. Dear honorable guests and members, big thanks to you all for your participation and support!
Toastmaster: Chin-Chi Lai
Welcome guests of the night:
Rosa Deng, Red Hill
Vincent Chang, CYTC
Dora Yang, NCYTC
Tiffany Chou, NCYTC
Jack Li
Awards of the 167th meeting:
1. Best Manual speech speaker: Kenneth Chuang (A1: The law of diffusion of innovations)
2. Best Evaluator: Susan Su
3. Best Table Topics Speaker: Chin-Chi Lai
Officer report:
+ Next meeting will be held on June 3 , 2014 Tuesday. 6:45 pm is available to enter the venue. Address: 新營區民族路21-61號,大宏王公社區活動中心3樓教室.
+ + Officer Meeting of the month will be held on Fri.(5/30) evening at 7:00 pm in Donuts'. We will start the 1-hour officer meeting, followed with a reading discussion. All members and guests are welcome.
+ Please also visit SYTC on FB: Shin Ying Toastmasters Club--
By Secretary Chin-Chi Lai May. 22, 2014
1. Best Manual speech speaker: Kenneth Chuang (A1: The law of diffusion of innovations)
2. Best Evaluator: Susan Su
3. Best Table Topics Speaker: Chin-Chi Lai
4. Guest speech: Rosa Deng - I had a bad temper