Dear fellow Toastmasters,
This is a reminder for our No. 58 TM club meeting on May 5, 2009 (Tuesday).
Direction to the meeting venue:
Look at the map and find 府西路 (there is a 7-11 sitting at the intersection) MAP HERE
1. Turning into 府西路, you can see 世紀大樓 on your right-hand side.
It’s also where the 戶政事務所 locates.
2. Go to the second floor and find the Conference Room 2.
Please note that there are quite some changes in the agenda.
Please click to read the revised Agenda and Contact List.
Please be sure to take a look at your assignment and rehearse as many times as you can by following recommendation in the manuals.
If you cannot fulfill your assignment, please find a substitute or notify :
Toastmaster: Camila Wu 吳淑芳 0911658842
General Evaluator: David Tsui 崔大威 0930994334
As being a "Speaker", please prepare a script of your speech and send to your "Evaluator" for preview before the meeting.
And remember bringing your manual "Competent communication" to the meeting and
pass to your evaluator at the beginning of the meeting to write down their comments for your speech.
Toastmaster :
As being the "Toastmaster" of the coming meeting, please contact the speakers and the members with assigned works to get their brief resume for introducing in the meeting and be sure they will fulfill their assignments.
General Evaluator:
Please help to contact "Evaluators". Thanks!
PS. For any question, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Sincerely yours,
Chin-Chi Lai
Vice President Education (VPE)
Shin Ying Toastmasters Club (SYTC)