A Global nonprofit English speaking Club in Shin Ying city, Taiwan.
Global members reach to 252,000 in 106 countries
Practice in English, Welcome to join SYTC!
開口練習說英語,來這裡就對了, 歡迎您加入我們!
Regular Meeting
Venue: 3F, No.21-6, Minju Rd., ShinYing Dist., Tainan City 730, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
地點: 台南市新營區民族路21-61號 (大宏王公社區活動中心3樓教室)<聚會地點>> map
Date/Time: 7:00 pm~ 9:00 pm on every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month.
時間: 每個月第1及第3個週二, 晚上七至九點
地點: 台南市新營區民族路21-61號 (大宏王公社區活動中心3樓教室)<聚會地點>> map
Date/Time: 7:00 pm~ 9:00 pm on every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month.
時間: 每個月第1及第3個週二, 晚上七至九點
2008年6月16日 星期一
[SYTC] Aganda for the No.37 meeting "Potluck Party and Officers Installation Ceremony" at 6/17 (Tue.)
Dear All:
This is a reminder of our No. 37 meeting 'Potluck Party (百樂派對) & Officers Installation Ceremony at 6/17 (Tuesday), starting at 6 pm. This meeting is particularly meaningful for it is not only an ending of a term but also a beginning of a new term of 2 Toastmasters clubs.
Attaced please find the Agenda.
You're welcome to invite your families and friends to this special meeting. You're MUCH MORE welcome to bring food with a portion for 4 people. You can find the menu in the attachment. At your convenience, please reply what dishes you would like to share, if your name is not in the menu list. Remember to bring your own bowl, chopsticks, and cup as well as a joyful heart.
Looking forward to seeing you Tuesday!
Best Regards,
Chin-Chi Lai
Vice President Membership (VPM)
Shin Ying Toastmasters Club(SYTC)
Subject: [SYTC]-Draft Aganda for the No.37 meeting 'Potluck Party and Officers Installation Ceremony' at 6/17(Tuesday)
From: mickey@gmtc.com.tw
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 17:06:40 +0800
Dear All:
本社團即將於6月底邁入下一個會期。為感謝各位對社團之支持與熱情參予,也為歡迎即將就任之新社團幹部,週二(6/17(Tuesday)之club meeting,將安排舉辦為一'Potluck Party (百樂派對) & Officers Installation Ceremony ',邀請各位一同聚一聚。
Potluck的意思是每人攜帶一樣食物與別人分享的聚餐。 (大概三人份就夠囉!)
以下為此次meeting之 Draft Aganda,提供各位參考。
在此誠摯邀請各位member, support, and guest一同熱情參予,
如各位週遭有朋友對Toastmasters Club有興趣,也歡迎邀請一同參加。
Looking forward to meet you there!
Sincerely yours,
Mickey Chuang
Vice President Education(VPE)
Shin Ying Toastmasters Club(SYTC)
[附件檔 "agenda-37-06172008.htm" ]
[附件檔 "contact-37-06172008.htm" ]
[附件檔 "Menu_for_Potluck_Party_on_June_17.doc" ]
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